Tag a Record

Tag a Record

To insert or remove a tag using a Deluge script, you need to create a connection that allows you to perform this action via an API call.

To create a connection, you can follow these steps:

  1. In Zoho CRM, go to Settings > Connections > Create a New Connection.
  2. Select the service: Zoho OAuth.
  3. Select the scope: ZohoCRM.modules.ALL.
  4. Create the connection and activate it.
  5. Copy the sample code provided.

In this example, a script was created for an action in a workflow for the Leads module.

//mapping of arguments: leadId = Leads - ID Leads
lead = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Leads",leadId);
//How to remove a Tag
tag = "Cold";
mp = Map();
response = invokeurl
    url: "" + leadId + "/actions/remove_tags?"
    type: POST
    parameters: mp
    connection:"xxxxxxx" //connection name
info "Response delete tag : " + response;
//How to insert a Tag
tag = "Hot";
mp = Map();
response = invokeurl
	url: "" + leadId + "/actions/add_tags?"
	type: POST
	parameters: mp
	connection: "xxxxxxx" //connection name
info "Response delete tag : " + response;

Contributor: Emanuele Bittencourt